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  • Writer's pictureKatie Keiser

Observation // The Roosevelt Coffeehouse

Updated: Mar 27, 2020

Love. Justice. Coffee.

The Roosevelt is a coffeehouse built to fight the worldwide injustices of hunger, unclean water and sex trafficking. A portion of all of their sales goes to organizations that help combat these issues.

Like many coffee shops, The Roosevelt is a hub for both connection and productivity. As I sat there drinking my iced caramel latte, I witnessed people conducting meetings and others with headphones in focused intently on the task at hand. However, it was not the actions and demeanor of the coffee drinkers that caught my attention. It was the intentionality behind their actions.

Similar to the owner and baristas of the Roosevelt, these people were working for the benefit of others. A pastor was meeting with members of his church who were having a difficult time. A man was putting together a schedule for the college ministry he led. Why did they decide to do their ministry work at this coffeehouse? They did so because they believe in the mission of the Roosevelt. By choosing to buy coffee from them, they were playing a role in life change. They were contributing to their mission and vision.

I believe that every person has unique abilities. There is power in intentionally using your abilities for the benefit of others. In some instances, it takes massive amounts of creativity to determine how your gifts can influence others. Other times, the path is clear, but one thing is for sure. Once your calling is realized, you will experience a joy like never before.

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