Five14 Church is the place I have called home for many years. I find myself there worshipping God almost every Sunday; however, this Sunday, my experience was a little different. I decided to walk into church with intention. I wanted to be more observant in an effort to experience Sunday mornings at Five14 fully. Instead of going through the motions, I found myself paying attention to those around me.
Everyone I observed had unique characteristics, whether that be outwardly or inwardly. I wondered what their stories were. How did they hear about this church? What has their walk with Christ looked like up to this moment? What did they experience this week? Although I did not know the answers to my questions, I could easily form explanations in my head. With each individual, there was a new, complex story. By focusing on the story rather than the cover, I was able to gain an appreciation for each individual. This pushed me to actually interact with the ones around me.
The various, unique situations I discovered led me to wonder why God would allow all of these crossing of paths. If it were not for this church, most of the people would never find themselves in the same place. Church is a catalyst for interaction. Witnessing these interactions is beautiful.
God intentionally designed each of our stories. We can be intentional in our design efforts as well. When we are intentional in our efforts, we are able to create our greatest works.