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  • Writer's pictureKatie Keiser

Documentary // Miss Americana

The documentary, Miss Americana, tells the story of Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift is a well-known country turned pop singer. What makes her different than most singers today is her ability to write songs. Most talented vocalists today perform songs written by others; however, Swift’s songs are all her own.

I was first introduced to the word, catharsis, a couple of years ago. It has since become one of my favorite words. According to Merriam-Webster, Catharsis is the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions. Catharsis is most often achieved through forms such as music or art.

After watching Taylor Swift’s documentary it is apparent to me that she exercises catharsis on a regular basis. Most of her music stems from her life experiences, most often situations she has encountered in her love life. She is often ridiculed for her use of exes in songs, but I do not think the cynics realize that her cathartic efforts have led to her become one of the most successful artists of all time.

Taylor Swift’s success proves that sometimes the greatest creations are backed by pain and suffering. Our experiences add a layer of vulnerability, making us more relatable to the people who view or listen to our creations. When we are relatable, people are more likely to support us in our endeavors. I think the strongest forms of art are the ones that make us feel a certain way. They have meaning beyond what is apparent. Using catharsis, we can create something worth creating.

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