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  • Writer's pictureKatie Keiser

Courageous Conversations // Language and Belonging

Updated: Feb 22, 2020

How does my language affect others? This is a question many of us fail to ask ourselves before speaking and the consequences have proved to be monumental. The smallest phrase can harm the people around us. Even with good intentions, our words can be misconstrued and lead to suffering. On the contrary, our words can breathe life into others and influence people for the better.

“A wholesome tongue is a tree of life; a deceitful tongue crushes the Spirit”

Proverbs 15:4

If that is not reason enough to think twice before speaking, as Christians, we are tasked with living like Jesus Christ. When harmful or slanderous words come out of our mouths, we are misrepresenting the very nature of Jesus Christ. Non-believers should see the love of God through our actions. They should wonder, what makes them different from the rest of society?

In addition to influencing the mental state of others and leading others to Christ, language can help give us a sense of belonging. Belonging occurs when people are able to be themselves without fear of judgement. Communication is relational, as it helps us better understand each other. When we connect with others, we give them a glimpse into our soul.

Language is a gift from above. How will you utilize the God-given gift of language? Will you be intentional with your words? Will you breathe meaning and hope or will you use your words to inflict misery and doubt on others?

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